Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Last Full Day Was Busy!

We have had a very busy day here at Ferry Beach. After our beach and dune lesson this morning and lunch of Pizza, students had lessons to choose today. Some of their choices were: Forest Olympics, Beach Relaxation, Shelter Building, Recycled Art, Cooking Apple-rhubarb tart (yes, it was delicious...thank you Robert), Hike to the State Forest, and others.

In the evening, the kids were on an Eco-Quest. Using different factors of Productivity, Disturbance, Nutrients,and  Diversity, plus a map of Ferry Beach, they had to find the Ecosystem on the property based on the different levels of the above factors. The students in my group did a great job and worked through each factor to find the correct ecosystem.

It has been a quite a week with many success stories. Your children are now in bed awaiting their final lesson tomorrow called Connections...Connecting all they have learned this week, so it all makes sense. Then we will load the buses, and we can all re-connect with our families. Good final night...I will hopefully post one final blog tomorrow before we depart from Ferry Beach. See you tomorrow Rowley!


  1. This week has sounded so exciting! I'm sure you will all be sad to say goodbye to Ferry Beach, even though I'm sure you will all be happy to see your families!

    I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the photos and reading about your exciting lessons. Thank you to whoever has been posting these! It has helped us parents to feel "in the loop." I can't wait to hear more!

    See you tomorrow Ben!

    Love you so much!


  2. Thank you Mr. Collyer for all the pictures and updates. It does help us have a sense of what is going on. The pictures are great!!!!

  3. Can't wait to hear all about your week. Although I almost feel as if I were there with this great blog. Thank you Mr. Collyer you did a great job keeping us at home connected.

  4. You are all welcome. It has been my pleasure to make these posts so parents feel connected during the week.
