Friday, November 7, 2014


Good Friday morning! We have enjoyed breakfast of cereal, French toast, and hard-boiled eggs. We are all packed and students are on their final lesson of the week. After their lesson, we will have an early lunch, load the buses, and head home! TGIF!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Good Night--See you tomorrow!

The night ended with a song, creating a rain storm, and reflecting on memories of the week. Some of the memories were exploring the tidepools, playing football on the beach, but many kids said just having time to hang out with friends because they don't get to do that often. It's been a great week. They not only learned about the ecosystems and other scientific facts, but they also learned a lot about themselves. You have great kids, and we know that you have missed them. Thank you for the opportunity for us to take them away for a week of fun and learning. And thank you for all the kind words people have said about the Blog. It has been a pleasure photograping your children. I will try for one more post tomorrow morning! See you soon Rowley!

Yes, I think it IS a BEACH DAY!!!!!

The afternoon lesson was on the beach and dunes. Despite the rain, they had a scavenger hunt, practiced how to be a wave,created a museum, and used field guides to research items they found on this ecosystem. It was a great beach day!

Student Choice Lesson

The kids got to choose from a variety of lessons. One example was the Jetty Jaunt, where the kids hiked to Camp Ellis and learned about who benefited and who did not from the jettty. Other choices included nature games, arts and crafts, and yes...the Ferry Beach Ecology Spa! Wait to you see the pictures of the spa!

Cloudy with a chance of GOOD TIMES!

Good Thursday Morning! We have just eaten breakfast of scrambled eggs, homefries, ceral, and fruit. Your children are going bananas over the fruit! (pun intended) It is cloudy, but the kids are keeping happily active. (This was ready to be posted in the morning, but the hamsters running the ecological wi-fi wheel took the morning off)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I've got mud on my face...and that's NO disgrace!

After lunch, the kids ventured onto the saltmarsh ecosystem. They took soil samples, put out a mummichog trap, checked the salinity of the water, learned about water basins, and discovered 5,000 year old clay! I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

Beach Football

Mr. McCaulley and the kids arranged a beach football game against Nahant, the other school visiting this week. (Don't worry Cindi, Jared kept his promise!) Well, the good news is, they had a fabulous time and there were no injuries. The bad news, the Pine Grove Panthers suffered a defeat! Stay tuned for tonight's post when I will upload the pictures I took at the saltmarsh. Keep your fingers crossed that I will be able to get a wi-fi signal to post--that is the cause of the delay today.

The Forest

Our morning lesson was on the forest ecosystem. Students learned about forest succession, lichens, and many other factors that help create a healthy forest. You may notice our birthday girl, Mia, photobombing in the woods...and yes those are her two fingers in one of the pictures! The weather has held up so far, but we hear rain is on the way for tomorrow. After lunch today, the kids will head to the salt marsh.

Happy Birthday Mia!

Our Wednesday began with cereal, pancakes, and sausages...and Birthday wishes to Mia!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Good Night on Election Night!

Just a few pictures tonight. The kids had their Astronomy lesson this evening and are still smiling. I think the majority would all vote to come back here at Ferry Beach. They're a great group of kids!

Biddeford Tide Pools

After the kids filled up on lunch of salad, chicken noodle soup, and turkey and cheese sandwiches on focaccia bread, we took a 20 minute bus ride to the tidepools. The kids had a fantastic day exploring and found sea urchins, crabs, mussels, and other marine life!

Abiotic Adventures!

This morning the lesson was called Abiotic Adventures. The students were assigned a role such as: Knowers of Nutrients, Doctors of Diversity, Deputies of Disturbance, and Professors of Productivity. They examined different areas of Ferry Beach which included the primary dune, the beach, and the forest. For each area and factor the kids became experts and reported out their findings. Right now, they are outside playing and keeping very active! Lunch will be served soon, then we are off to Biddeford Tide Pools.

Good Tuesday Morning!

We were greeted by a beautiful sunrise over Saco Bay this morning. The kids slept well and enjoyed a breakfast of cereal, scrambled eggs, and banana bread. Our first full day is underway and going well!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Marine Life

This evening the kids had a Marine Lab in preparation for our trip to the Biddeford Tidepools tomorrow. They learned about all the different marine life they may encounter such as Sweepers, Snatchers, Synthesizers, Scrapers, Slurpers and even Invaders! By the smiles on their faces and their interaction you can see they enjoyed themselves. In addition to to all the interesting marine life, they also learned about safety rules while exploring the tidepools. Prior to the lesson, kids feasted on pasta, sauce, homemade bread, and salad. Judging by how much they are eating and the comments they are making, kids are enjoying the food! The kids are now snug in their beds, bellies are full of food, minds full of knowledge, and building lasting memories. Day 1 has come to a close. Good night!

We have arrived safely!

We had an uneventful ride up and have arrived safely at Ferry Beach. The kids have unpacked in their new rooms, had dorm orientation, and practiced a fire drill. They have been split into small study groups and assigned a Ferry Beach educator who will take them on their daily lessons. We enjoyed a lunch of delicious salad and chicken fajitas with all the fixings. Kids at my table absolutely devoured the meal and went back for seconds or thirds! They are currently on their first lesson, the ABC's of Ecology, where they will learn about abiotic factors, biotic factors, change, and cycles. It is sunny, but chilly, and the kids are already enjoying themselves!