Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Environmental Camp Slide Show 5/26

Letters went home on Monday, 5/17 informing 4th grade parents that Drew Dumsch, Ferry Beach's director, will be coming to give a presentation on Wednesday, 5/26 from 6-8pm in the AP room. Following the presentation, he will be available to answer any questions.

Paul Lees, a parent in the community who has chaperoned for the last two years, will also be there to answer any questions and give a first-hand account of the children's camp experience.

Finally, forms were sent home that must be completed and returned by Friday, June 4th, in order to reserve your child's spot at camp.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. You can reach me by email at or by phone at 978-948-2520 ext 3204.

Beth Stephan

Friday, May 7, 2010

May Cash Calendar Winners

Congrats to all our Cash Calendar winners. And a special thanks to all our 4th graders for their hard work selling them.
All Cash Calendar winners will be contacted by phone or email. You will be given your winnings at the end of the month. Remember to check back often. All names are put back in the bag after each daily drawing, so you may win more than once!

5/1 Alyssa Kent $100
5/2 Jon Lamkin $50
5/3 Matthew Blouin $50
5/4 Majja Dennis $50
5/5 Pam Toppi $50
5/6 Barbara Holstein $25
5/7 Beth Stephan $50
5/8 Jen Ross $25
5/9 Christine LaGrassa $50
5/10 Pam Toppi $50
5/11 Robert Detato $50
5/12 Ben Savage $50
5/13 Laura McBride $25
5/14 Greg Sperounis $50
5/15 Deb Reale $25
5/15 Andrew DePasquale $50
5/17 Peter McCusker $50
5/18 Kevin Scalley $50
5/19 Laura McBride $100
5/20 Diane Barrett $25
5/21 Angela Doucot $50
5/22 Greg Sperounis $25
5/23 Frances Soroka $50
5/24 Kathy DePasquale $50
5/25 Jenn Ross $50
5/26 Shirley Kimball $50
5/27 Richard Hazen $25
5/28 Bobbi Hemmerdinger $50
5/29 Tom Rasmussen $25
5/30 Laura Folsom $50
5/31 Mary Hannon $200